Girls With Guts



Through sharing stories and experiences, Girls with Guts (GWG) empowers all women and girls with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and/or ostomies to become confident despite their disease or condition. With their website, social media, and live events, they bring women, children, and men together; creating a community of support so no one feels isolated by their disease. Through this network, they advocate for IBD and ostomy issues, spread awareness, and provide programming to directly support patients’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Thousands of lives have already been significantly improved thanks to their programming and outreach efforts.  Women at event focus groups have cited GWG as their “only source of support.”  By empowering and educating women and girls with IBD and/or ostomies, we provide the confidence and tools necessary to advocate for oneself, seek and obtain appropriate medical or psychological treatment, and lead full, happy, and successful lives.

Help support GWG by purchasing a Women & Girls coin or charm.